The beginning…

Starting off the canyon expedition series in gold— an aged tone with dramatic lighting.

— An 8” x 10” painting of my view from the raft while the sun was starting to set. The shadows close in on us and the temperature dramatically decreases as the darkness envelopes the canyon walls. It felt as though we were chasing the light for that last bit of warmth of the day.

— The light sits on the canyon walls to reveal the strange contours, like water that’s been frozen as it flows down the cliffs. There’s a rhythmic balance of structure and fluidity, as the rock plateaus and then flows again, cascading down to the edge of the river.

— 48” x 72”… they have to be large paintings. A view from the river looking up at the gigantic rock formations. The walls almost appear to move in real time.

— An 8” x 10” study of the light hitting the canyon wall.

—20” x 20” painting of Lava Rapids (class 9)— the last of the giant rapids on the expedition through the canyon. Scouting view. In progress.

— Using the tone of From an Old World for the canyon. The moodiness translates well to a wild and dangerous landscape. It also processes as something ancient or aged.


